LADUGA ru en Begin PRADIS Modules

Module: Images

Image: ARROW


Description:The description of ARROW image
number of degrees of freedom (ext) 3
number of elements in a parameter vector (par) 4
number of elements in a working vector (wrk) 0
indication, which defines the possibility of connection with OVP and the form of Image call (unv) 0
indication of variable number of internl variables passed into Image (vps) 0
indication of variable number of Image parameters (vpr) 0
ratio coefficient between variable part of work vector and the length of variable part of internal variales vector (wrs) 0

Name Type Description
node Движение в плоскости с вращением

Name Type Description Default
coordination Start coordinates 0, 0
length Arrow length 1.0
angle Angle between arrow and axes X 0