LADUGA ru en Begin PRADIS Modules

Module: OVP

Description:Mechanics module 2D

Model name Model description
OVP name OVP description
X Calculation of scaled value of given variable.
V The description of V image
A The description of A image
APRF The description of A image
COS3E The description of A image
DEFORM The description of A image
DFIA The description of A image
DFIB The description of A image
DIS The description of A image
DOLYA The description of A image
DV The description of A image
DX The description of A image
FIA The description of A image
FILTR The description of A image
FILTRY The description of A image
INTGRL The description of A image
INTSR The description of A image
KOORD2 The description of A image
KOORD3 The description of A image
LKOMBI The description of A image
MAXA The description of A image
MAXI The description of A image
MINA The description of A image
MINI The description of A image
N The description of A image
PATNO The description of A image
PROXL The description of A image
PRTABL The description of A image
RAZVAL The description of A image
ROUT The description of A image
ROUTC The description of A image
SHOD The description of A image
SIGN The description of A image
SPA3L The description of A image
SRA The description of A image
STATNI The description of A image
STATNS The description of A image
STATSM The description of A image
STATST The description of A image
STOPA The description of A image
STOPC The description of A image
SUM The description of A image
TIMERA The description of A image
TIMERC The description of A image
UGOL2D The description of A image
WKIN The description of A image
Image name Image description
Node name Node description
Parameter name Parameter description
Object name Object description