LADUGA ru en Begin PRADIS Modules

Module: Links

Description:Mechanics module 3D

Model name Model description
K Elasticity element
KBASE Elastic 3-d tie defined by table.
KP The description of KP image
BRK Elasticity element
KNL Elasticity element
HRP The description of HRP image
SV1KT Elasticity element
MU Dumper element
MUNL Dumper element
SV1MUT Elasticity element
SV2K Elasticity element
SV2DK Elasticity element
SV2SHR Elasticity element
SV13W Elastic 3-d tie defined by table.
SV3DK Elasticity element
SV3KT Elastic 3-d tie defined by table.
SV3KTU Elastic 3-d tie defined by table.
SV3MUT The description of SV3MUT image
SV3UKP Elastic 3-d tie defined by table.
NPLO Elasticity element
NPLV Elasticity element
NPR2D Elasticity element
OVP name OVP description
Image name Image description
K2VS The description of AKLAB image
KD2VS The description of AKLAB image
Node name Node description
Parameter name Parameter description
Object name Object description