LADUGA ru en Begin PRADIS Modules

Module: Links

Model: SV2DK


Description:Elasticity element
number of external degrees of freedom (ext) 6
number of internal degrees of freedom (ent) 0
number of parameters (par) 6
indication of variable number of parameters (vpr) 0
number of elements in the part of state vector independent of parameter's number (str) 0
number of elements in a state vector which correspond to each parameter in a variable part of parameter vector (stp) 0
number of element in a constant part of a working vector (wrk) 16
number of elements in a working vector which correspond to each parameter in a variable part of parameter vector (wrp) 0
calling rule (adr) 1
ignoring Jacobian fragments (ign) 0

Name Type Description

Name Type Description Default
pA Elasticity coefficient 0.0, 0.0
pB Elasticity coefficient 1.0, 0.0
dt Elasticity coefficient 0.1
dl Elasticity coefficient 0.1
Work vector
Name Type Description
State vector
Name Type Description